Version originale : REDCODE
English subtitles : CLELAND
This wait like foreplays...Pulling on my little rubber cortex...sharpening my desire...
Each new day is slowly bringing me closer to you...
I am masturbating myself so often that I have the impression that my fingers are constantly smelling like sex and I musn't even think of tasting them or I'll implode. I feel like slipping my feet in between your thighs...I am dreaming of the tip of your tongue on my nipples...Of your tongue running down my ear lobe...Of your tongue inside of my mouth...Of your tongue twiddling with my clit.
I am "desiring" I am "spasming" I am wrapping myself in this wait that's so powerfully fuelling my fantasies. I am feeling the vibrant and blazing sting of this desire...A desire that is becoming practically uncontrollable taking hold by moments of my entire inner me...I am in the eye of the storm, a silent cataclysm...A whirlwind which is bound to stun me...
I am dreaming of that second when you will lay your long hands on me...Of those hands sliding in between my thighs...My closed thighs my "pinching" thighs...Then my wide open thighs...This sublime wait is whetting my desire and setting my imagination on fire...That fusion...that fusion that is taking place in the back of my vagina as if your deep voice was inside of it whispering out some spicy and from time to time coarse words...Time is standing still.
I'm dreaming of this "body to body" I'm waiting for you incubus !...I can feel you incubus yes I can feel you : you're riding me...And suddenly I wake up in the middle of an orgasm so disturbing so amazing that I know that you were here once again tonight...Sliding your long body up against mine...Pressing your chest against my swollen breasts...Undulating your hips in rhythm with mine...
Yes incubus you were here and I know I wasn't dreaming when I felt your strong and craving sex penetrating my cherry flavoured pussy...Awoken by the spasm your magical presence surrounding me...This cannot have been a dream...You were here and you possessed me once again...
Strong and godlike demon.
Seuls les membres peuvent commenter
obelix, 06 Sept. 2013 13h11
Il va falloir que je prenne des cours de langue
tydus, 21 Sept. 2013 15h29
plus que magnifique
MissRedCode, 06 Déc. 2013 15h20
@Eric....oui il revient sans cesse....
MissRedCode, 06 Sept. 2013 12h24
Encore une fois merci à toi Cleland qui par ce texte me prouve une fois encore quel homme tu es.....tu comprends aisément ma mécanique féminine et tu entretiens un mystère grandissant qui martèle mes tempes de curiosité... :*
ovitch, 10 Sept. 2013 08h39
Words dreamed, fantasized words, wanted words, words posed... divine story whose end point leaves resonate throughout my body feeling ... again!
eric8411, 06 Déc. 2013 15h02
Délicieuse vision de la possession sexuelle. Mêler rêve et fantasmes, désir et orgasme....
une seule questions se pose donc : Est-il revenu depuis?
Cette contribution est un extrait gratuit de ce que mes membres peuvent voir
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